Monday, March 12, 2012

The Well-Stocked Pantry

The last couple of weeks my grocery store runs have been sporadic. Life happens, and when it does, having a well-stocked pantry can save the day! One small change I've been making is buying an extra gallon of bread and milk at the store each week.  That way if I get caught and can't make my weekly trip to the store, we've got enough to hold us over until I can go.
This yummy creation is one I made strictly from things I pulled from the freezer/pantry.  That got the wheels turning on being proactive at keeping a list of meals/desserts/fun appetizers for unexpected company on hand so I will be prepared all the time.

If this is an interesting idea to you, I'd say the first step is organizing your pantry area. Mine was in a chaotic mess.  I bought bread crumbs 2 weeks ago but in the process of organizing I realized I already had bread crumbs.  Having a systematic approach to your pantry will save you time and money when you go to cook.

If you want to jump on the well-stocked pantry bandwagon with me, Come On!  After you read this, take 15 minutes and go organize your pantry to get an idea of what you have on hand. 

In my next post, I'll tell you how to figure out what you need.  Bon Appetit!

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